Monday, December 31, 2012

My first craft with my very own blog!

So I am a huge crafter...... well I am a huge want a be crafter. I rarely complete a project I start. I have about 10 to 20 projects I have started but never completed. I am great at finding a cute craft and buying all the stuff and then never looking at it again.
So! With the help of this blog, I am going to complete projects each week! Some may take longer, but I am going to try to work on things each week. I will post what I am working on and you can work on it with me!

Here it goes!
So for Christmas I got a full set of brand new Martha Stewart towels. Love!  So what do I do with the old ones I have? Well one of my many New Year's resolutions is to reuse and waste less! So....
Here is the first craft to get me started: Child's Pool Robe Very cute for my two daughters!